Three Essential Strategies When Selling Your Home

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Once you have made the decision to sell your home, the next step is to put it on the market and get the word out!  Hopefully, the home will sell in record time.  But if you are like many homeowners these days, the number of sellers still outweighs how many interested buyers are out there.  So how can you stand apart?  How can you be sure that your home is the one attracting the most attention in the neighborhood?  And aside from that positive feedback from the buying community, what can you do to get the most out of your listing and be successful?  Here are three absolutely vital aspects of selling a home – that if followed are sure to help you successfully achieve your selling goals:

Do Your Homework and Be Prepared

The single most important thing you can do before even taking the first step in selling your home is to hire the perfect agent.  This is not a matter of just finding the next person you know that deals with real estate professionally.  Hiring an agent is a process that should be done carefully and with much thought.  Does he or she take an active marketing stance?  Are they accessible?  Do they have a strong, solid and proven track record?  What do recent clients say about dealing with this agent and/or broker?

Understand what your competition is selling. By knowing and understanding the other options buyers looking in the same area have, you will gain a competitive edge and be able to adjust your home based on the others’ offerings.  One example is the comparison between an older home versus new construction.  Though the amenities and number of bedrooms, bathrooms and square footage may be the same – buyers might easily prefer new construction.  Your preparedness will help you overcome challenges such as this example perhaps by compensating with incentives or making updates to your home.

Strengthen the Perceived Value of Your Home

Now, more than ever, buyers are savvy and they know what to expect.  That is why when they see several properties in one area they are able to easily distinguish a good deal from a not-so-good one.  By working to enhance the perceived value of your home you can stand to gain significant leverage over other sellers in the area.  One of the best examples of this is a new home that offers a 13-month warranty to go along with the sale.  Nothing provides more reassurance to buyers than to have the sellers stand by their product.  And if the home does have any issues, buyers know that the warranty will cover those issues.  The typical cost of a home warranty is not more than $350-$400 but it can cost less depending on the coverage chosen and company.  Imagine the edge you will have when buyers see most major components of the home as well as little things covered by a warranty plan.

Realistically Determine Your Selling Price

One of the most damaging things you can do to the potential sale of your property is to price it inaccurately.  Though homeowners are free to price their home as they wish, once area comparable sales, appraisals and inspections, as well as buyers’ perceived value are taken into consideration, prices can change dramatically.  It is important to know your competition, assess your property as compared to that competition and then price the home accordingly. Overpricing can clearly lead to lack of buyer interest while underpricing can backfire in more than one way; the seller would obviously get less money and also buyers could potentially be turned off thinking that something is wrong with the property.
For a customized assessment of your home’s selling position and for an analysis of how much you can potentially sell your home for – contact us today!

Beware of the Companies That Will “Pay Cash For Your House”

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Imagine being in the midst of a terrible financial situation, behind on your mortgage, unable to pay your bills and considering selling your home before you really want to.  Now imagine a shark sneaking up behind you and then snatching away your lifelong dream, putting you in a position you will likely never recover from.

Well, there are sharks out there that are trying to capitalize on the financial troubles of many families and homeowners in the nation.  These are the ones that spend lots of advertising dollars on blaring billboards, audaciously claiming that they “ Will Buy Your Home For Cash” and “Close In 7-10 Days”.

Think about it.  It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?  It is.  The single biggest risk of dealing with these companies, aside from the fact that you are exposing very personal details of your financial life to them, is that they will likely steal your equity.

Getting Pennies on the Dollar For Your Home

Consider this recent example:  A woman I met a short time ago was behind on her mortgage payment and feared that her home would face foreclosure.  Rather than approach a Realtor, she responded to one of these ads and almost found herself trapped.  With years of experience dealing with these types of “investors”, we were able to go in and show her how big of a mistake that would have been.  It turns out she had a significant amount of equity in her home.  Had she proceeded to engage with this company that wanted to “help” her, she would easily have lost all if not most of the equity that she had built up over the years.

The most enticing thing to people in such situations is that they see an easy and quick out with the companies’ claim to close in seven to ten days.  But if you take a closer look at some of the websites of these companies you will notice that they are a bit off.  Here is an example of one site that comes up in the first few Google picks. You will notice right away that there are typos on the site – something that hardly signifies a quality, long-standing company.

A Better Way to Get Out of a Tough Situation

Rather than deal with these less than scrupulous companies and risk losing the hard earned equity on your home, visit your Realtor.  He or she will walk you through your options and explore viable alternatives to giving up and getting out then losing out in the process. In the woman’s case above we suggested that she sell her home, pocket the equity of her home and move on.  Rather than allow this alarming trend to continue, homeowners should educate themselves on the programs designed to really help them get out of the financial difficulty they are facing.  Recent changes made by the government to PMI fees for homeowners that refinance allows property owners a chance to seize the opportunity of today’s lower interest rates while avoiding foreclosure.
Remember, if something sounds too good to be true – especially when it comes to your home – it probably is.  To find out where you stand and how you may be able to sell your home quickly but effectively, contact us today.  We will help you determine exactly what you can get for your home, how long it might take to sell it and what you can expect if you choose otherwise.